Ignite self
Feeling Soul
A program aiming at enabling you to comprehend your real identity, realizing the real nature and gaining balance.Glimpsing into balanced living.
Meditation Sessions for individuals
Make individuals conscious of their ingrained highest potential.
By living an ideal/real Daily Routine hope to become the message and medium in one. To be scaled up worldwide by sharing awakening.
Meditation Sessions for Teachers
Schools act as second homes of our children. Given the hectic pace of modern life, children spend more time in their school and with their teachers than with their parents. Children look up to their teachers as guides and even foster parents. Teachers shoulder a very big responsibility as they have to not only take care of their own family but also of their students in class. Given the important role that a teacher plays in a student’s life, it is of primary importance that a teacher remains happy with a peaceful state of mind. They in turn can teach children “how to relax”, inculcate right values and lead a stress free life. In order to help teachers achieve a balanced state of mind, we are working with some leading schools in South Bangalore to conduct meditation workshops for their teachers.
Spiritual Discourse
Discourses by our guru are an audio treat for the seekers. We organize discourses on various topics
A child will not be able to concentrate on studies when he/she is hungry and does not get food at home. In order to satisfy this basic human need, we organize annadana
River Cleaning
Toilet Construction : Many schools do not have basic facilities such as toilets. Due to this issue many girl students drop out from school. We have taken up this as a focus area and are working towards building toilets in government schools.
Awareness programs
We also do various awareness programs on social issues amongst the society
Books distribution
Most of the students in Government Schools come from very poor families. They don’t have basic educational material like books and bags. This is another area we contribute.